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What do you want to study in college?

People say that college is going to be the best time of your life. What they don't tell you is most of that time is spent learning about your major. Thus, choosing your major is one of the most significant decisions you will make in college.

Are you prepared to make this decision?


If you're not feeling too confident, allow me to introduce my interactive media project! This project serves as a guide, providing the prospective college student (that's you!) with the necessary information and resources for this process.

Scroll down, and let's begin.

Interactive Media Project: Services
Education Books Bookshelfs

An Introduction

What is a college major?

What's your major? This is one of the first (and most common) questions college students are asked. Our first order of business, then, is to define what a college major is. A podcast was created to define and differentiate between the majors available in today's higher education system. Click "Learn More" for further information on this podcast.

Women Holding Hands

The People Involved

Who is affected by this decision?

The final decision comes down to you, the student. There are, however, other groups of people that may have an impact on the major-selecting process. A network visualization map was created to take a closer look at these groups, their connections to one another and the conversations happening around them. Click "Learn More" for further information on this network map.

Designer's World

Next Steps

What can you do to prepare for this decision?

As you will learn, choosing your college major is no easy feat. Not to mention all the other decisions you will have to make about college. Thus, I've come up with three points of action that will help relieve some of the pressure that comes with making such important decisions. Click "Learn More" for further information on these suggestions.

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